Umbrella company FAQs
We've answered the most commonly asked questions by our umbrella employees and contractors interested in using our service.
General questions & contact info
How do I contact Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd?
How do I contact Churchill Knight Umbrella?
How do umbrella companies make a profit?
How does an umbrella company work?
Is it easy to change umbrella companies?
What administration will I need to carry out when I use an umbrella company for my payroll?
Calculations, payslips and deductions
How do I access my payslip audit reports using Payslip Buddy?
What does Pay As You Earn (PAYE) mean?
Why are umbrella companies quoting me different take-home pay calculations?
Why is my umbrella company take-home pay illustration different to my net take-home pay?
How do pensions work with an umbrella company?
Can I opt out of pension contributions when using an umbrella company?
How is holiday pay calculated with an umbrella company?
How much money will I take home using an umbrella company?
How often will I be paid by an umbrella company?
Margins, benefits and insurance
What are the benefits of using Churchill Knight Umbrella compared to other providers?
Do umbrella companies offer drivers negligence insurance?
What is Employers Liability Insurance?
What is Professional Indemnity Insurance?
What is Public Liability Insurance?
When I use an umbrella company, will I receive payments such as sick pay and holiday pay?
Accreditations, Compliance & legislation
Can I claim expenses using an umbrella company?
Is Churchill Knight Umbrella a SafeRec Certified Umbrella Company?
Is Churchill Knight Umbrella accredited by the FCSA?
Should I use an offshore umbrella company to maximise my take-home pay?
What accreditations does Churchill Knight Umbrella have?
What are the benefits of using an FCSA accredited umbrella company?
What are the benefits of using a SafeRec Certified Umbrella Company?
What are the risks of using a non-compliant umbrella company?
What is an offshore intermediary?
What is the most tax-efficient way to operate as a self-employed worker?
A comprehensive list of the most commonly asked questions about umbrella companies
Umbrella companies are a popular payroll choice for contractors and freelancers in the UK. However, there is plenty of information to absorb about how they operate! In this section of our website, we have created a list of the most commonly asked questions about umbrella companies and listed them by category.
About us
Founded by experts with over 25 years of experience in the contractor payroll sector, Churchill Knight Umbrella is a leading UK-based umbrella company committed to compliance and excellent customer service. We are proud to be accredited by the FCSA, and we are also a SafeRec Certified Umbrella Company. Being SafeRec certified means all our employees can access a payslip audit report every time we pay them.
If you’re interested in a free take-home pay calculation, please click here. Alternatively, you can call our friendly team on 01707 871622 and request a free calculation over the phone.
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