Recruitment agencies are now legally required to assist HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) in cracking down on contractors who are underpaying tax and NI with the use of an offshore employment intermediary.
Key points
- An offshore employment intermediary is a company in the labour force supply chain operating outside of the European Union.
- The Offshore Intermediaries Legislation was put in place in April 2014 to target tax and NIC avoiding contractors working with or engaging with offshore intermediaries.
- Recruitment agencies in the UK are now responsible for the PAYE and NIC of the contractor when the agency has any correspondence with the contractor’s end client.
- If the contractor is working with more than one UK agency, the agency working with the end client is responsible.
- Recruitment agencies are required to provide HMRC with a quarterly list of the contractors they are not deducting tax and NIC for. If the recruitment agency submits the document late, a fine of up to £1000 may be issued by HMRC.
A recruitment agency should not be making any financial gain by working with a contractor who is engaging with an offshore intermediary at any stage of the contractual supply chain.
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The Churchill Knight Group consists of Churchill Knight & Associates Ltd, Churchill Knight Umbrella, Bluebird Accountancy, Bluebird Umbrella and Umbrella Company UK.
Compliance will always be our priority
Churchill Knight Umbrella is proud to be one of the first UK umbrella companies with both an accreditation from the FCSA and SafeRec Certification. We're partnered with hundreds of agencies who equally value compliance and service, and we ensure all of the temporary candidates (contractors and freelancers) that are referred to us receive an exceptional payroll experience - from the initial calculation we provide them to processing their pay for the first time.

The FCSA is the UK’s leading professional body committed to ensuring the compliance of the supply chain of temporary workers.

SafeRec is revolutionary, and having a PSL exclusively composed of SafeRec certified umbrella companies will protect your business and candidates.