Be aware of fake letters from scammers posing as HMRC, Companies House and other government departments - Churchill Knight - FI

Be aware of fake letters from scammers posing as HMRC, Companies House and other government departments

Limited company directors (including contractors and freelancers with a personal service company) are being targeted by scammers posing as HMRC, Companies House and other government departments. Therefore, it’s extremely important that you read all correspondences carefully and do not make any payments or take action unless you are entirely satisfied the letters you have received are legitimate. Keep reading for more information, including an example of a fraudulent letter and links to helpful, official government guidance.

Warning: New fraud targetting recruitment agencies has been brought to our attention by the FCSA - FI

Warning: New fraud targeting recruitment agencies has been brought to our attention by the FCSA

The Freelancer and Contractor Service Association (FCSA) has brought a new type of fraud to its members’ attention, targeting recruitment agencies. This blog summarises the new scam and explains how it works. If you represent a staffing agency and place temporary workers – you must read the following and ensure your business has precautions in place.

Why Should You File Your Self Assessment Tax Return Before Christmas FI

Why should you file your Self-Assessment Tax Return before Christmas?

If you are required to submit a self-assessment tax return for the 2020/21 tax year, it’s recommended you file it before Christmas – to ensure you’re well within the deadline of the 31st January 2022. This blog explains more about the importance of beating the deadline, and we explain who needs to complete a tax return. There are also a few eye-opening facts about the submission of tax returns during the Christmas period. Keep reading to find out more.